Second Place Team from Woodward, Pires and Lombardo Golfers in Marco Island Rotary Charity Event

Woodward, Pires & Lombardo (WPL) enjoyed supporting Rotarians by playing in Marco Island’s Golfers Rotary Charity Event, placing second with 11 under par. WPL’s Controller, Neil Spoerlein is pictured in Coastal Breeze News participating in the event.

“This last weekend the annual Golf Outing was held by the two [Rotary] clubs at the Hammock Bay Golf and Country Club as players came together to raise money for their annual philanthropic giving that both clubs do during the course of the year. Monies support things such as the local schools, Gift of Life which supports heart surgeries for impoverished children, Meals of Hope, “Dictionaries for Children” at the Manatee Middle School to support literacy programs, Christmas Island Style, Our Daily Bread Food Pantry, American Cancer Society, Unsung Hero Award, donation to fund District Disaster Trailer Program, Local Scholarship Program, the Rotary Seminar 4 Tomorrow’s Leaders Program which provides an opportunity for two to three students to attend this valuable leadership program held each year at the Florida Southern College in Lakeland, Florida… These are just some of the wonderful programs that the two Rotary Clubs support during the year.”

See the full article here: Golfers Come Out Swinging For Rotary Charity Event.

Should you be interested in membership in Rotary, please contact the Noontime Club by emailing Club President or the Sunrise Rotary by calling Membership Chairman, Arne Sandberg at 414-736-2652.

WPL thanks all of our attorneys and employees for sharing their time and continuing to contribute to the betterment of our Marco Island community and Collier County as a whole.