Whenever you are dealing with a family-related legal issue, it is important to ensure that you are making informed decisions. Unfortunately, there are many myths out there, and if you rely on these myths, you could end up making the wrong decisions for yourself and your loved ones. Here are five examples of common myths […]
By J. Christopher Lombardo, Naples Marital and Family Law Attorney. Divorce or separation is a life event that takes considerable thought and contemplation. There are many circumstances that contribute to a possible breakup, each and every one unique in its own way. So why contact a divorce attorney? For a variety of reasons. Common reasons […]
By Ross E. Schulman, Florida Family Law Attorney Navigating a divorce can be challenging and emotional, especially if abuse is involved. Domestic violence is illegal in Florida, yet it is shockingly not uncommon in marriages. No matter how often or severe the abuse, from threats to assault, victims must take any abuse seriously. Abusing a […]
By Kenneth V. Mundy, Florida Divorce Attorney Divorce is a time of massive transition when significant decisions are being considered and made. One question might be whether you can move out of state with your children during or after your Florida divorce. The short answer is maybe, but you must have court permission and consent […]
By Kenneth V. Mundy, Florida Divorce Attorney Our pets are valued members of the family. Some pets have been in the family for years or even decades and are as much a part of the family as anyone else in the household. However, in Florida, pets are not considered by law as part of the […]