Prenuptial Agreements in Florida: Your Guide

Couple on a beach getting engagedCongratulations! You have gotten engaged to the partner of your dreams. There is so much to do before your big wedding day…find a venue, create a menu, make a guest list…and that only scratches the surface. It can be easy to forget to research and decide on other important things that will matter in the long run, such as a prenuptial agreement or “prenup.”

What is a Prenuptial Agreement?

A prenuptial agreement is a written contract in which both parties of the couple agree on their rights and responsibilities regarding their accounts and assets in case of divorce or death. Considering a prenuptial agreement before even getting married can seem like you are betting against your own relationship, but that is not the case. On the contrary, discussing a prenuptial agreement can open the door for necessary conversations about money. In addition, studies show that couples who have prenuptial agreements actually have a lower divorce rate.

Why Do You Need a Prenup?

The most common reason to get a prenuptial agreement is to prepare in case of divorce or death, but the process of getting the agreement can prepare your marriage for a stronger future. Discussing complex topics like money, debts, savings goals and overall attitudes about finances can help you understand your partner’s views and priorities before you even walk down the aisle. The conversations around a prenuptial agreement may be challenging to begin with, but in the long run, it can open that line of communication and make your relationship stronger.

How Much Does a Prenup Cost?

Prenuptial agreements can range in price from typically $7,500.00 to $15,000.00 depending on the size of the estate. Divorce attorneys in Naples can help with prenuptial agreements. If you are looking for a Naples divorce attorney, Woodward Pires & Lombardo would be happy to help.

What is a Postnuptial Agreement?

Postnuptial agreements are virtually the same as prenuptial agreements, except the two parties have already tied the knot. Postnuptial agreements can also be more expensive because any marital assets must be considered, not just personal assets, as in a prenuptial agreement. So, if you are looking for a matrimonial lawyer in Naples, look no further than Woodward Pires & Lombardo. We would be happy to help you draft either an effective prenuptial or postnuptial agreement.

Why Use an Attorney for Your Prenuptial Agreement?

For a prenuptial agreement, what are some reasons to contact family law attorneys in Naples, Florida? First, if you are entering into a marriage and one or both parties have already been previously married or have children, it is wise to have a prenuptial agreement. Furthermore, an individual who has already been through a divorce likely knows what a headache it is to deal with the assets and responsibilities of not having a prenuptial agreement. These individuals will probably want to avoid that stressful situation in the future. If one or both parties already have children, it is wise to protect the children’s financial assets from the previous marriage or an inheritance they received. Finally, if there were to be a death in the family, a prenuptial agreement could prevent a fight over a Will.

In addition, if one party of the couple is wealthier than the other or if one party has more debt than the other, a prenuptial agreement could protect everyone in both scenarios. A prenuptial agreement can ensure that no one in the couple is marrying for money, only for love. In the case of debt, if one person in the couple has an obligation, whether it is kept secret from their partner or not, a prenuptial agreement will protect the other part of the couple from becoming responsible for that debt.

Protect Your Assets

Contact Woodward Pires & Lombardo, P.A., family law attorneys in Naples, Florida, to help you get ahead of these issues and others when it comes to prenuptial and postnuptial agreements. If you want to protect your assets, your wealth, your children and their inheritances, or your business, it is best to contact a divorce or family attorney for a prenup or postnup. As family law attorneys in Naples, we would be happy to assist you with all your legal needs in this area. Call (239) 649-6555 or see

About the Author

J. Christopher Lombardo

J. Christopher Lombardo, Esq.

J. Christopher (Chris) Lombardo has over three decades of experience practicing law in the state of Florida. Chris serves clients in marital and family law matters in Collier County. He also provides legal services in civil litigation, commercial litigation, contracts, appellate practice and personal injury. Chris received his Juris Doctorate from Florida State University.

Chis is a Certified Financial Litigator (CFL™) and Founding Member of the American Academy for Certified Financial Litigators (AACFL). A Founding Member is an individual who been recognized by the AACFL as a leader in their mission of enhancing the family law community through advanced financial education.

In addition to his legal practice, Chris has served on the Board of Fire Commissioners of the North Collier Fire Control and Rescue District since 1999 and is the current Chairman. He is on the Board of Directors of Shy Wolf Sanctuary and Golisano Children’s Museum of Naples.

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