How Can an Elder Law Attorney Help You?

an old couple spending time together looking at the sunsetElder law attorneys handle a wide variety of legal issues that relate to older or disabled adults. They act as advocates for the elderly and their loved ones, handling issues related to health care, long-term care planning, retirement, guardianship and many other important matters. Contrary to popular belief, elder law attorneys not only handle financial matters and estate planning, but they also help in planning for the day-to-day issues that affect the care of the elderly. Read on to learn more about how an elder law attorney may be able to help you.

Planning for the Future & Protecting Assets

Every family situation is unique, and often times families get confused with the complex laws. Many families have elderly loved ones who reside in different states and will need to be well-versed on that state’s unique laws. Hiring an elder law attorney gives you peace of mind when dealing with sensitive issues regarding your loved ones. An elder law attorney may ask the following questions in order to better understand your situation.

  • Is Medicaid an option in order to help pay for assisted living care?
  • How can you protect your parents’ home and assets?
  • Do you have a plan so that your loved ones have money even after their care expenses are paid?

These questions are complicated and there is no one answer that fits every situation. By seeking the expertise of an elder law attorney, you can resolve these difficult issues in order to formulate a feasible plan for the care of your loved ones.

Estate Planning

Estate planning includes such tasks as the drafting of a will, establishing a trust, preparing a power of attorney and more, depending on your situation. An elder law attorney will assist in the estate planning and the management of the estate during your loved one’s life. They will also deal with the disposition of your loved one’s estate in the event of their death, helping to ease the burden on the family members after the passing of their loved one.

Trust Administration

A trust is an estate planning tool that typically allows for property to pass to beneficiaries outside of probate. The trust administration and the duties of the executor, also called a personal representative of an estate, can be time consuming and complex. An elder law attorney has expertise in this area and is easily able to handle these issues without burdening your loved ones with such complex tasks especially during their time of grief.

Protecting the Rights of Seniors

The protection of your loved ones is of the utmost importance. This is why many families seek the help of an elder law attorney to direct them during this time. Elder law attorneys can help to protect your loved one’s rights in areas such as age discrimination, health insurance issues and personal rights during guardianship.

An elder law attorney can be crucial in your loved one’s life and the attorneys at Woodward, Pires & Lombardo, P.A. are ready to assist. Call (239) 649-6555 (Naples office), (239) 394-5161 (Marco Island office) or visit for more information.

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